The ISA (International Secret Agent) toys were Sears exclusives which took advantage of the popularity of the James Bond film franchise in general and the spy genre in particular.
The Super Spy Attache Case consisted of various spying and listening equipment such as a radio transmitter and receiver, decoder, fake passport, and currency, etc.
I can only imagine how cool this would have been to a kid back then.
I wonder which one was the coolest this or the Secret Sam case? I think they both are cool but don’t know which I would have wanted.
Both seem almost the same, if I was a kid back then I would choose Secret Sam.
This along with Super Sam was part of a rush of Spy Toys in that ear when the craze was out.
I was the age of these kids when that came out had one and we had hour of fun.
I swear that looks cool, I wonder how much one is worth now in working order.