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The Outer Limits

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I recently started watching "The Outer Limits" reboot from 1995 and I am floored with some of the episodes I have seen so far in season one. I know most of you are familiar with how good the 1960s series is with great episodes like Demon with a Glass Hand and The Inheritors just to name a couple.

I was aware of the 90s version and never watched an episode but dismissed it as a travesty and just decided to check it out on Prime Video and while some episodes are mundane some such as The Conversion, The New Breed and Quality of mercy have completely floored me with how they are especially Quality of Mercy this is great TV.

I am not even through season one and I am very excited for more and also shocked this ran for 7 seasons and was very highly regarded, this one really passed me by.


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Numbers, Film Noir and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
NumbersFilm NoirLuvthe70s N80sRichard JacksonTee Vee

The original is a classic and it is better than the 90s version, let me tell you the 80s version has some awesome episodes it was a fantastic series but the original is just better.

They tried and messed up The Twilight Zone several times but they got it right with this series.

Luvthe70s N80s has reacted to this post.
Luvthe70s N80s

I love the old one but I never watched any of the remake.

Quote from Film Noir on July 31, 2022, 11:44 pm

The original is a classic and it is better than the 90s version, let me tell you the 90s version has some awesome episodes it was a fantastic series but the original is just better.

They tried and messed up The Twilight Zone several times but they got it right with this series.

I agree the first as always is the best but there are some intriguing episodes in this version, a very good series.

The original Outer Limits really stirred my imagination as a child, a fantastic series I have not seen the new I ignored it on its release.

The 90s version had some very good episodes and some brutal ones, with the original all the episodes were good.

The series stars great but later lots of crappy episodes stick with the classic series.

I saw a few good episodes but in total, it was not very well done at all.

Quote from Tee Vee on January 11, 2024, 4:46 pm

I saw a few good episodes but in total, it was not very well done at all.

I do agree it had a few good early seasons episodes but in general not even close to the classic.

Quote from Film Noir on March 29, 2024, 11:20 pm
Quote from Tee Vee on January 11, 2024, 4:46 pm

I saw a few good episodes but in total, it was not very well done at all.

I do agree it had a few good early seasons episodes but in general not even close to the classic.

Quite a few episodes were very good in season one and two.

Saturday Night at the Movies.
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