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The Naked City (1958)

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I saw a few episodes of this on an old DVD, it was pretty interesting I like seeing how things looked like back in those days. That and it is a pretty darn good show seems the '50s and 60s and even the 70s had the best TV shows.

Film Noir has reacted to this post.
Film Noir
Qu'ils mangent de la brioche

TV doesn't get much better this is another gem from the glory days of television, this is on the list of my dozen top shows from classic TV and also on that list is "The Fugitive"  and "Route 66."

Jeff Brown has reacted to this post.
Jeff Brown
Quote from Film Noir on August 30, 2020, 8:22 pm

TV doesn't get much better this is another gem from the glory days of television, this is on the list of my dozen top shows from classic TV and also on that list is "The Fugitive"  and "Route 66."

I agree with "Route 66" and "The Fugitive" in my top 5, I might dare say  "The Fugitive" is my all-time favorite TV series. I also love "77 Sunset Strip" that ran from 1958 to 1964 there is another superb series.

Jeff Brown and Film Noir have reacted to this post.
Jeff BrownFilm Noir
Quote from Baumgartner on September 2, 2020, 11:38 pm
Quote from Film Noir on August 30, 2020, 8:22 pm

TV doesn't get much better this is another gem from the glory days of television, this is on the list of my dozen top shows from classic TV and also on that list is "The Fugitive"  and "Route 66."

I agree with "Route 66" and "The Fugitive" in my top 5, I might dare say  "The Fugitive" is my all-time favorite TV series. I also love "77 Sunset Strip" that ran from 1958 to 1964 there is another superb series.

Oh yes for sure "77 Sunset Strip" as we know that era was ruled by the Private Detective series and the Westerns. 77 had a heck of a following and one of the biggest of the 60s, girls flocked to the show for the character Kookie played by the late Edd Byrnes who passed away January 2020.

Baumgartner has reacted to this post.

I just mentioned on the "Route 66" thread how I had stopped for a few weeks because I was binging another show and that show was Naked City. I said it before but what a great show and another gem from the glory days of TV which now is nothing more than reality shows, infomercials, and talking political heads, oh bring back TV glory days and radio while you are at it. 🙂

I digress, on Naked City if you are not watching this then get at it spends 30 mins a night and check out an episode of this great series on Prime Video.

Jeff Brown and Film Noir have reacted to this post.
Jeff BrownFilm Noir

I am watching this steadily on Prime, I know it has been said before but apart from the great writing, acting and overall production, man I love seeing the city of NY in that time period.

Wincott and Film Noir have reacted to this post.
WincottFilm Noir
Quote from Jeff Brown on October 26, 2020, 11:45 pm

I am watching this steadily on Prime, I know it has been said before but apart from the great writing, acting and overall production, man I love seeing the city of NY in that time period.

Very much so almost a time capsule of that time period, the dress, the cars the sights and scenes, and the well-acted, written, and produced series.

Jeff Brown has reacted to this post.
Jeff Brown
10% For The Big Guy.

After getting off track for a few months over the holidays and all the other crap going on in the world I am back to watching and the last episode I watched was "Stakeout" just great television.

Wincott and Film Noir have reacted to this post.
WincottFilm Noir
Quote from Jeff Brown on January 14, 2021, 7:00 am

After getting off track for a few months over the holidays and all the other crap going on in the world I am back to watching and the last episode I watched was "Stakeout" just great television.

Ah yes, the lesson about cowardice and doing what's right.

10% For The Big Guy.
Quote from Jeff Brown on January 14, 2021, 7:00 am

After getting off track for a few months over the holidays and all the other crap going on in the world I am back to watching and the last episode I watched was "Stakeout" just great television.

You are still early in season one if you are now at that episode, the show is great TV all there to enjoy on Amazon during this lockdown.

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