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The Fugitive (1963-67)

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Quote from Mike on September 26, 2022, 10:22 pm

This great series is streaming on Pluto TV, you never see it on Amazon Prime, Netflix, or any of the streaming giants. The DVD set last I saw runs around $120 bucks.

The series set is expensive but I had to have it. 🙂

Quote from Film Noir on September 11, 2022, 11:13 pm

The character Richard Kimble was so sympathetic even as a young kid I was feeling sorry for him each episode and just hating on Inspector Gerard. I swear David Janssen with his acting and especially you could see the pain on his face, what a great series just great acting and stories.

Very true I was in his corner all the way and hated anyone that came against him like the relentless Police Inspector Philip Gerard.

10% For The Big Guy.

Glad to see a topic started about this excellent classic series, this is a gem from when TV was top-notch and not the poorly scripted shows we have and the reality junk.

There is not a single TV series that I have been hooked on and watched since LOST ended, all these cop shows mostly FBI shows are such unrealistic poorly acted, and written crap it is nauseating, does anyone even watch TV anymore?

Jason has reacted to this post.
Quote from Film Fan on October 9, 2022, 11:34 pm

Glad to see a topic started about this excellent classic series, this is a gem from when TV was top-notch and not the poorly scripted shows we have and the reality junk.

There is not a single TV series that I have been hooked on and watched since LOST ended, all these cop shows mostly FBI shows are such unrealistic poorly acted, and written crap it is nauseating, does anyone even watch TV anymore?

I have to agree TV series these days are basically unwatchable as far as I am concerned, I admit I am so turned off that many shows I do not even give them a chance.

I Coulda Been a Contender.

On my top ten list of best TV series and high on that list to boot, just an awesome series I would say I enjoyed every single episode some more than others but loved them all.

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Film NoirWaverlyTee Vee
Saturday Night at the Movies.
Quote from Jeff on October 30, 2022, 12:16 am

On my top ten list of best TV series and high on that list to boot, just an awesome series I would say I enjoyed every single episode some more than others but loved them all.

And on mine, one of my all-time favorites.

Quote from Jeff on October 30, 2022, 12:16 am

On my top ten list of best TV series and high on that list to boot, just an awesome series I would say I enjoyed every single episode some more than others but loved them all.

It is television at its finest, my friend, all these modern shows be dammed give me the 50s thru the 70s any day.

Tee Vee has reacted to this post.
Tee Vee
Quote from Film Noir on November 14, 2022, 10:18 pm
Quote from Jeff on October 30, 2022, 12:16 am

On my top ten list of best TV series and high on that list to boot, just an awesome series I would say I enjoyed every single episode some more than others but loved them all.

It is television at its finest, my friend, all these modern shows be dammed give me the 50s thru the 70s any day.

Some of the best shows in TV history came out of the 1960s.

Quote from Tee Vee on December 26, 2022, 11:48 am

Some of the best shows in TV history came out of the 1960s.

Very true along with the 1950s, the 70s was the private detective and the police show era while the 50s and 60s were dominated by the TV western along with many other scattered quality shows.

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Tee Vee
Quote from Richard Jackson on July 6, 2023, 10:57 pm
Quote from Tee Vee on December 26, 2022, 11:48 am

Some of the best shows in TV history came out of the 1960s.

Very true along with the 1950s, the 70s was the private detective and the police show era while the 50s and 60s were dominated by the TV western along with many other scattered quality shows.

I can roll them off, Route 66, The Fugitive, 77 Sunset Strip, and one and on and on.

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