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The Fugitive (1963-67)

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What I love about this series is the great stories, they do not do TV like this anymore.

Jason, Film Noir and Richard Jackson have reacted to this post.
JasonFilm NoirRichard Jackson

The character Richard Kimble was so sympathetic even as a young kid I was feeling sorry for him each episode and just hating on Inspector Gerard. I swear David Janssen with his acting and especially you could see the pain on his face, what a great series just great acting and stories.

Jason and Richard Jackson have reacted to this post.
JasonRichard Jackson

I love this series, it is on almost every classic TV fan's top ten list.

Jason and Richard Jackson have reacted to this post.
JasonRichard Jackson
Quote from Film Noir on September 11, 2022, 11:13 pm

The character Richard Kimble was so sympathetic even as a young kid I was feeling sorry for him each episode and just hating on Inspector Gerard. I swear David Janssen with his acting and especially you could see the pain on his face, what a great series just great acting and stories.

An excellent series I was watching it some years ago when it was on an oldies channel but I did not see all the episodes at all I would love the complete series to binge. Those I saw impressed me with the quality of the stories, the screenplays, and the acting was all excellent.

Richard Jackson has reacted to this post.
Richard Jackson
I Coulda Been a Contender.
Quote from Film Noir on September 11, 2022, 11:13 pm

The character Richard Kimble was so sympathetic even as a young kid I was feeling sorry for him each episode and just hating on Inspector Gerard. I swear David Janssen with his acting and especially you could see the pain on his face, what a great series just great acting and stories.

I agree with that completely you felt for and cheered on Kimble, he seemed so lost and lonely living the life of a Fugitive.

Mike, Jason and Richard Jackson have reacted to this post.
MikeJasonRichard Jackson

A fantastic series I got hooked on it around 19 years of age when I found 3 VHS tapes with 2 episodes on each,  These were official tapes and I loved those 6 episodes so much that I had to find more to watch and eventually saw the entire series.

Jason and Richard Jackson have reacted to this post.
JasonRichard Jackson

David Janssen was one of my favorite actors and it was mainly because of this series, I have never pulled and cheered for a character as a kid or since.

I was really wrapped up in each episode, one poster mentioned how they like the opening title sequence and I also did I thought it was so cool how he escapes the wreck and runs into this stream dipped his hands in the water to wet his face, and how the light flash off his handcuffs and formed the title....very cool to a kid. 🙂

Quote from Richard Jackson on September 25, 2022, 12:25 am

David Janssen was one of my favorite actors and it was mainly because of this series, I have never pulled and cheered for a character as a kid or since.

I was really wrapped up in each episode, one poster mentioned how they like the opening title sequence and I also did I thought it was so cool how he escapes the wreck and runs into this stream dipped his hands in the water to wet his face, and how the light flash off his handcuffs and formed the title....very cool to a kid. ?

The same here also, later he was also very good in "Harry O" I think that was from the 70s I saw it in the late 80s on replays but maybe it was 80s too lazy now to check.

I Coulda Been a Contender.

This great series is streaming on Pluto TV, you never see it on Amazon Prime, Netflix, or any of the streaming giants. The DVD set last I saw runs around $120 bucks.

Film Noir has reacted to this post.
Film Noir

A classic for sure that I have not seen in years, I binged it quite a few years ago and that is what TV was like in the heyday, not the pale comparison we have today or ridiculous reality shows, fake news around the clock, stupid talk shows. Heck even late-night TV talk show is a joke there is no Johnny Carson I can tell you that. Hands high if you really think a moron like Jimmy Kimmel is funny.

10% For The Big Guy.
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