A retro look back at the former child and teen stars that were previously featured on the pages of Teen Stars Online.


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The Forest Rangers (1963-1966)

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I am just in High School and I watched a few and like it but I am a different type of teen, not they hip type quieter and reserved. 😛

Navy Boy and Baumgartner have reacted to this post.
Navy BoyBaumgartner

I have watched  a few episodes on YouTube and the quality is excellent for such an old show.  The show it self is a nice laid back show suitable for kids or the entire family.

Jason has reacted to this post.

I watched all available on YouTube and I am so into the characters I want to see more.

Jeff Brown has reacted to this post.
Jeff Brown
Eat the Rich
Quote from Navy Boy on December 7, 2019, 11:37 pm

I watched all available on YouTube and I am so into the characters I want to see more.

I will admit I grew to like it and have watched all that was uploaded to YouTube.

Jeff Brown has reacted to this post.
Jeff Brown
You want this, don't you: Emperor Palpatine
Quote from Navy Boy on December 7, 2019, 11:37 pm

I watched all available on YouTube and I am so into the characters I want to see more.

Nice old adventure show for kids, I did some research and the show was a huge favorite of kids in Canada when it was being aired and even for years after it went off the air.

Camb Fan has reacted to this post.
Camb Fan
Quote from Jeff Brown on November 19, 2019, 8:52 am

I have watched  a few episodes on YouTube and the quality is excellent for such an old show.  The show it self is a nice laid back show suitable for kids or the entire family.

The quality is very good I wonder if the uploader is associated with the show and they also have not been removed by youtube.

Camb Fan has reacted to this post.
Camb Fan
I Coulda Been a Contender.

Kids and family fav here in Canada in the 60s and in reruns right through the 70s, introduced to me by my grandpa.

Riley 99 has reacted to this post.
Riley 99

Thanks for introducing me to this rare old show, I am watching on YT, and the great quality of the video is unbelievable by the way.

Baumgartner has reacted to this post.
Quote from Jeff Brown on November 19, 2019, 8:52 am

I have watched  a few episodes on YouTube and the quality is excellent for such an old show.  The show it self is a nice laid back show suitable for kids or the entire family.

A gem and the quality is good for the YT episodes but I have an appetite for more, I did some research and it is a Canadian treasure that was loved by the kids of that time and played a long time after in syndication.

Quote from Baumgartner on December 2, 2020, 11:00 pm
Quote from Jeff Brown on November 19, 2019, 8:52 am

I have watched  a few episodes on YouTube and the quality is excellent for such an old show.  The show it self is a nice laid back show suitable for kids or the entire family.

A gem and the quality is good for the YT episodes but I have an appetite for more, I did some research and it is a Canadian treasure that was loved by the kids of that time and played a long time after in syndication.

Canadian kids of that era and well into the 80s enjoyed the reruns, I don't know if it had much exposure in the USA except for the border cities picking up Canadian TV.

Jeff has reacted to this post.
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