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The Forest Rangers (1963-1966)

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I will fall off my chair if any member here knows of this obscure Canadian TV show from the 60s produced by CBC TV.

I fondly remember watching this show as a small boy about a group of Junior Forest Rangers in the fictional region of Indian Ground in the wilds of the Canadian wilderness.

As a boy, I was drawn not only to the kid cast but the sheer adventure of being one of these junior forest rangers, as we always pick a character we identify with my favorite was Chub played by actor Ralph Endersby who hails from Toronto.  One of my favorite adult characters was native Canadian Joe Two Rivers played by Michael Zenon who is now into directing and has been the assistant director in movies such as "Murder at 1600" and "Exit Wounds."

I have no idea if kids of today would like the clean simple fun that Forest Rangers bring but if you are interested in seeing what it was like, there are several crystal clear episodes on Youtube from uploader Wormsybaby, where the uploader scored these great copies has to be from some official capacity and the show must have been filmed on actual film and not tape due to the great quality.

Might sound silly today but one part I loved as a boy was the ending credits and theme song with the huge door in the cack ground, I have never forgotten that tune to this day. See a photo below of the cast both the adults and the kid cast.

Watch Forest Rangers.


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You do have me I have never heard of it, I wonder how wide a distribution it had in its first run, was it just Canada?

I am going to check out a few episodes on YouTube from the link you posted and report back what I think of it.

Jeff Brown, Navy Boy and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Jeff BrownNavy BoyCamb FanLost BoyRiley 99

@Film Noir, do not be shocked I have heard of The Forest Rangers via an article I read once about Director Michael Zenon who as you mentioned played Joe Two Rivers.

After I heard about it I searched and searched and there is no video release of any kind, then I had discovered that uploader had uploaded some great quality episodes from season one, might be the full season.

I enjoyed the heck out of this show enjoying the cars and everything from that era, it was a solidly made 1960s Canadian show and just liked you I loved the ending theme song.

A very nice show I encourage others to check it out on YouTube and get a nice nostalgic break from the noise of modern productions.

Jeff Brown, Navy Boy and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
Jeff BrownNavy BoyBaumgartnerCamb FanLost BoyRiley 99
I Coulda Been a Contender.

@Film Noir, thanks for telling about this I have watched 2 episodes on YouTube and like it, I always liked old shows and movie just to see how things were back then the cars, how people dressed etc but I also like when they are good shows not just looking at time capsules.

I like the adventures in the wild of these young Forest rangers, cool old Canadian show.

Jeff Brown, Navy Boy and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Jeff BrownNavy BoyBaumgartnerRiley 99
Quote from Skater on September 3, 2019, 12:02 am

@Film Noir, thanks for telling about this I have watched 2 episodes on YouTube and like it, I always liked old shows and movie just to see how things were back then the cars, how people dressed etc but I also like when they are good shows not just looking at time capsules.

I like the adventures in the wild of these young Forest rangers, cool old Canadian show.

I am sure even some kids today can like that show, not all but it is good family entertainment.

Wincott, Jeff Brown and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
WincottJeff BrownNavy BoyCamb FanLost BoyRiley 99

I watched a couple on YT also and not bad, very interesting for sure oldie.

Jeff Brown has reacted to this post.
Jeff Brown
Eat the Rich

I have now watched quite a few episodes on YouTube and I can say this was a very well made 1960s Canadian show that I am sure had a lot of fans of all ages. The production is good the acting is fine as are the storylines.

Wincott, Jeff Brown and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
WincottJeff BrownCamb FanLost BoyRiley 99

Thank you, I caught a few episodes and found it very interesting.

10% For The Big Guy.

I watched a few episodes on YouTube, I don't mind it but I am not crazy about it either.

You want this, don't you: Emperor Palpatine
Quote from Wincott on September 11, 2019, 9:45 pm

Thank you, I caught a few episodes and found it very interesting.

It is well made and I am a fan of all types of old shows like what was mentioned I like looking at the clothing, the cars, just how things were back in that period so that is a fun part along with enjoying the program or movie.

Camb Fan, Lost Boy and Riley 99 have reacted to this post.
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