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The Dick Van Dyke Show

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Quote from Mike on October 24, 2019, 11:57 pm

From my earlier post on Oct 2 about watching a few episodes and seeing if I am into it, am I ever this old show is hilarious I am completely into the characters of this funny and well-written show it is a gem.

I have watched now about 30 episodes and I try to watch a couple a week late at night as time allows. I am watching on Amazon Prime and if any has that check this show out or grab a month free as I see a link is on the front page of this site that gives a Month of free prime.

Excellent and I am sure you will devour the enter run of the show because TV don’t get much better.

Waverly has reacted to this post.

This show is hilarious, I know many others in my age group might not even know this show existed furthermore watch it. If you want some real laughs then watch this old black and white show.

Modesty Blaise has reacted to this post.
Modesty Blaise
Qu'ils mangent de la brioche

My grandpa loves this show he laughs so hard when watching it, I have watched a few with him and admit I had some laughs. 🙂

Film Noir and Richard Jackson have reacted to this post.
Film NoirRichard Jackson

I enjoy this show as I currently streaming it in sequence, what a hilariously well written and acted show this is  true comic genius in writing.

This is classic TV at it's best and to think Mary Tyler Moore (RIP) went from this gem to the also excellent Mary Tyler Moore Show.

Film Noir has reacted to this post.
Film Noir
Quote from Modesty Blaise on April 23, 2020, 1:12 pm

My grandpa loves this show he laughs so hard when watching it, I have watched a few with him and admit I had some laughs. ?

I am actually shocked that you would enjoy such pure classic TV, knowing people your age and your attitude on this forum.

Film Noir has reacted to this post.
Film Noir
Quote from Modesty Blaise on April 23, 2020, 1:12 pm

My grandpa loves this show he laughs so hard when watching it, I have watched a few with him and admit I had some laughs. ?

Refreshing to see one of today's younger generation love such a classic introduced to them by a grandparent who enjoyed it in its heyday.

Richard Jackson has reacted to this post.
Richard Jackson

A fantastic classic show and one of my all-time favorites, with quality writing and perfect delivery by the great comic cast.

Sadly we recently lost Carl Reiner who was the genius behind the show and also played comic Alan Brady who Rob and the gang worked for.

Jeff and Film Noir have reacted to this post.
JeffFilm Noir
Quote from Richard Jackson on July 24, 2020, 10:57 am

A fantastic classic show and one of my all-time favorites, with quality writing and perfect delivery by the great comic cast.

Sadly we recently lost Carl Reiner who was the genius behind the show and also played comic Alan Brady who Rob and the gang worked for.

He was a very talented man, he was behind some great shows, and "The Dick Van Dyke Show" was one of the best.


Mike has reacted to this post.
Saturday Night at the Movies.

I am loving this classic series, and to think I have never seen an episode before this topic, I decided to give it a try off Amazon Prime, and let me tell you this is well written, well-acted, and very funny this cast has great timing and delivery and they have great material to work with.

Quote from Jeff on September 11, 2020, 11:10 pm
Quote from Richard Jackson on July 24, 2020, 10:57 am

A fantastic classic show and one of my all-time favorites, with quality writing and perfect delivery by the great comic cast.

Sadly we recently lost Carl Reiner who was the genius behind the show and also played comic Alan Brady who Rob and the gang worked for.

He was a very talented man, he was behind some great shows, and "The Dick Van Dyke Show" was one of the best.


Very much so, one of the most talented comedy writers you will find, talent like that don't come along often.

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