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The Dick Van Dyke Show

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Here is the old guy again bringing up ancient shows none of you likely never heard of, well I am going to tout the extremely funny classic TV show The Dick Van Dyke Show that ran for 5 hilarious seasons starting in 1961.

I did not watch this show from the first run I am not quite that old yet I was not born when it premiered all my viewings were reruns I watched with my mom and dad in the seventies and even enjoyed it later on when I was older.

The show takes part in an office where Rob, Buddy and Sally write for the Alan Brady TV show and watched over by Brady's brother-in-law Mel.  Rob (Dick Van Dyke) and Laura (Mary Tyler Moore) live in New Rochelle with their young son Ritchie played by child actor Larry Mathews. The cast mostly seen from episode to episode is the office staff with at times an appearance by next-door neighbours  Jerry and Millie.

The show is a comic genius as we peer in on Rob and the rest of the wise-cracking cast played Hilariously by  Morey Amsterdam as the witty Buddy Sorrell who was my favorite by far each episode he has a laugh out loud line usually hurled at the overbearing Mel Cooley played by Richard Deacon. Rounding out the office staff is the lovesick  Sally Rogers played to perfection by Rose Marie.

Robs home live we get a look at his wife played by the lovely Mary Tyler Moore and his son Ritchie played by as mentioned child actor Larry Mathews. Next door we have Millie and Jerry played by Ann Morgan Guilbert and Jerry Paris.

If you love classic TV catch this show which was created and written by the comic genius Carl Reiner who also played the role of Alan Brady, with most episodes directed by Jerry Paris who yes played next-door neighbor and Robs pal Jerry, he also directed episodes of "The New Dick Van Dyke Show"  (completely different show from the original with only Van Dyke in the cast but a completely different show) in the 70s as well as The Odd Couple and others.

An office has not been as funny and was captured again other classics like The Mary Tyler Moore Show and WKRP in Cincinnati to name two.

Check the show out you will not be disappointed as it is classic TV comedy at its best.



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Jeff, Mike and 9 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffMikeWincottJeff BrownBaumgartnerChris KrossModesty BlaiseWaverlymonkRichard JacksonTee Vee

Good post, I am a big fan of this classic TV sitcom it is one of the best, I am a fan of classic TV and try to watch as many as the old shows as I can.

The Dick Van Dyke show is so well written, such comic genius as you mentioned from Carl Reiner, the entire cast has great comic timing.

I think Mary Tyler Moore with her own show in the 70s captured that same feel and the same great writing and comic touch from the cast.

Mike, Wincott and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
MikeWincottJeff BrownWaverlyRichard Jackson

A funny thing seeing this because I have discovered The Dick Van Dyke Show on Amazon Prime and I watch 2 episodes every night before I go to bed to wind down, just an absolutely hilarious show. A couple of laugh out loud lines in each episode, I agree the comic writing by Carl Reiner is perfect.

Mike, Jeff Brown and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
MikeJeff BrownWaverlyRichard Jackson
10% For The Big Guy.

I do know of the show and I have seen it on Amazon Prime but I have never watched an episode but yes I have heard it mentioned often when there is talk about the best classic TV shows or best TV comedies of all time.

I think soon I will watch the first episode or two and see if I am into it.

Jeff Brown, Waverly and Richard Jackson have reacted to this post.
Jeff BrownWaverlyRichard Jackson

A brilliant classic TV comedy, the entire small cast is a hoot, the writing is superb and comical they don't make them this good anymore.

Film Noir and Waverly have reacted to this post.
Film NoirWaverly

Again catch it on Amazon Prime if you have it, I watch 2 episodes most nights, great laughs. 🙂

Waverly has reacted to this post.
Quote from Film Noir on October 9, 2019, 8:28 pm

Again catch it on Amazon Prime if you have it, I watch 2 episodes most nights, great laughs. ?

Indeed it is, so many of the shows from the 50s and 60s are top quality not like the generic junk from today, I loved shows like The Fugitive, Dragnet, 77 Sunset Strip, Route 66 those are TV at it's best.

Waverly has reacted to this post.
10% For The Big Guy.

My dad watched this show at night, I have tried to look at some with him but I am not watching black & white, no way.

Waverly has reacted to this post.
Quote from Chris Kross on October 23, 2019, 12:51 pm

My dad watched this show at night, I have tried to look at some with him but I am not watching black & white, no way.

Typical ridiculous teen, you will not watch quality entertainment simply because it is filmed in black and white, then you certainly will not see many classic gems. *tsk*

Film Noir, Waverly and Richard Jackson have reacted to this post.
Film NoirWaverlyRichard Jackson

From my earlier post on Oct 2 about watching a few episodes and seeing if I am into it, am I ever this old show is hilarious I am completely into the characters of this funny and well-written show it is a gem.

I have watched now about 30 episodes and I try to watch a couple a week late at night as time allows. I am watching on Amazon Prime and if any has that check this show out or grab a month free as I see a link is on the front page of this site that gives a Month of free prime.

Jeff Brown and Waverly have reacted to this post.
Jeff BrownWaverly
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