A retro look back at the former child and teen stars that were previously featured on the pages of Teen Stars Online.


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Quote from Baumgartner on October 22, 2021, 12:27 am

I would agree and some decent shows were also in the 80s such as "Seinfeld" which actually premiered in 1989 but might be best known as a 90s show.

I still crack up watching this show on episodes I have seen many times these characters are so real so your everyday guys and girls.

A classic but it has haters also, you have to like the type of humor who can't laugh out loud at Reverend Jim Ignatowski and the other assorted misfits.

Film Fan has reacted to this post.
Film Fan

I can never get tired of this show with each viewing I am laughing out loud even though in many cases I know what is coming,

Tee Vee has reacted to this post.
Tee Vee
Quote from Film Fan on January 3, 2023, 10:19 pm

I can never get tired of this show with each viewing I am laughing out loud even though in many cases I know what is coming,

Very true I have seen the entire run of the show a few times and some episodes many times and still get a kick out of this comedic gem.

I am currently watching this great and funny series once more, I would watch the classic TV any day over the crap they have on TV these days.

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