A retro look back at the former child and teen stars that were previously featured on the pages of Teen Stars Online.


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@Baumgartner, I think someone asked before but are you OmahaTevor moved over with a new name? I am just asking because Trevor is a way back member of TSO who always posts top-notch content.

On "Barney Miller" that is one of my all-time fav TV comedies, I just love Fish and his deadpan humor.

Jason has reacted to this post.
Quote from Baumgartner on December 5, 2018, 10:54 pm

@Film Fan, @Jeff Brown yes Barney Miller is another comedy gem from the 1970's so funny this is another show with a unique group of characters all quirky but very likable.

One of the best TV comedies for sure and deserved to be mentioned in the same breath as Taxi, Night Court and WKRP etc.

Of the stellar and hilarious cast only Hal Linden (Barney Miller) and Max Gail (Wojo) are still with us at this writing, Ron Glass (Harris), Steve Landesberg (Dietrich), Ron Carey (Levit) and Jack Soo as Yemana have all passed, Soo while the show was still in production.

RIP and thanks for the laughs they live on.

Oh yes, Barney Miller is another 70's TV Comedy classic, like Taxi each and every episode cracks me up.

Talking about funny 70s TV comedies we can't ignore "Sandford & Son" that show was laugh out loud funny.

I Coulda Been a Contender.

I see a poll is up now in relation to this topic so go vote I am curious for the results, I know the site is new so maybe the vote count will not be as high and non-registered users can also vote.

Fav 70's TV Show Poll.

Quote from Mike on December 18, 2018, 5:53 pm

I see a poll is up now in relation to this topic so go vote I am curious for the results, I know the site is new so maybe the vote count will not be as high and non-registered users can also vote.

Fav 70's TV Show Poll.

Thanks for that I see polls are up but we have a few teens here over from teen stars online who have no clue on those 70's comedic shows so maybe some guest will vote. I have to say all those on the list I love and those are some very funny shows.

Donnie Darko has reacted to this post.
Donnie Darko

I agree that is a group of some very funny shows from the '70s, before our times mostly but thanks to old time TV and DVD sets they are available for all to see.

What an old show but my dad loves it he has the DVD set and when he is watching I hear him LOL, I have briefly looked at it not my thing.

As I had promised based on this topic I searched out this old show and started watching and got hook on it because the characters are so damn wild and crazy even bizarre but hilarious.

Eat the Rich

I suffered through an episode of this and I can't see why the love? I find this very unfunny.

Film Noir has reacted to this post.
Film Noir
You want this, don't you: Emperor Palpatine
Quote from Donnie Darko on February 19, 2020, 2:19 pm

I suffered through an episode of this and I can't see why the love? I find this very unfunny.

Oh, I would not expect you to get the humor there are no fart jokes, food throwing, pillow fights, and other such juvenile junk that your age group finds amusing.

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Film Noir
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