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Taxi premiered on TV way back in 1978 and is one of the best-loved retro comedies from TV going back to the 70's which was a golden age for good comedic TV shows.

I know Taxi goes way back but while way before my time there are too many ways that anyone can relive these old show by retro TV stations like TV Land, Antenna TV or by purchasing entire series on disc.

The plot of Taxi is as simple as the title it features Louie De Palma is a cranky New York taxi dispatcher in New York over and the strange characters who drive for him. A simple plot but oh so many funny episodes such as season 2 episode 3 Reverend Jim: A Space Odyssey where the guys meet Jm and try to get Loui to hire him and also help him pass his exam.

Very tough to explain how funny a simple premise like this is unless you see it if you like old TV and haven't experience Taxi give it a shot.

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Mike, Jason and 7 other users have reacted to this post.
MikeJasonWincottJeff BrownFilm FanNavy BoyFilm NoirmonkTee Vee

Hilarious show, I heard about it a few years ago and got the set and went right through it, this is an insane group of characters.

Christopher Lloyd as Reverend Jim Ignatowski and Andy Kaufman as Latka are just insanely hilarious, Danny Devito as Louis the dispatcher and the rest of the cast are first rate, great old comedy.

Jason, Jeff Brown and Film Fan have reacted to this post.
JasonJeff BrownFilm Fan

Taxi is a comedy classic, these characters creations were genius with the likes of Louie DePalma, Iggy, and Rieger.

Season one was good as we get to know each character but season 2 started off as a true laugh riot with the introduction of Reverend Jim played by Christopher Lloyd, one of the best episodes is when Jim takes the test to be a driver.

I don't think there is one episode of this series that did not make me laugh out loud.

Navy Boy has reacted to this post.
Navy Boy
Saturday Night at the Movies.

Taxi is one of the funniest sitcoms in the history of television, this collection of lovable losers are hilarious. Reverend Jim and Latka are the best, Louie is a perfect slimeball.

Some of the funniest episodes are featuring Jim, the one mention when he tries to get his license to get the job and another one when Elaine is invited to a high society dinner and takes with Jim as her date.

I agree with the comment that every episode had laugh out loud moments.

Jeff Brown and Film Fan have reacted to this post.
Jeff BrownFilm Fan
I Coulda Been a Contender.

Taxi is an absolutely hilarious classic from the 70's one of the best TV comedies of all time along with the likes of WKRP in Cincinnati, Bob Newhart Show etc.

There will not be characters like Reverend Jim, Latko, and Louie ever again just brilliant creations.

Jason, Film Fan and Navy Boy have reacted to this post.
JasonFilm FanNavy Boy

No doubt a comedy classic, the 70's way before me but I have many sets of those great 70's comedies such as WKRP in Cincinnati,  Night Court, and Barney Miller just to name a couple. Those 3 along with Taxi are 4 of the best.

Jason has reacted to this post.

I am going to have to check this out then see what I think.

Jason has reacted to this post.
Eat the Rich
Quote from Navy Boy on November 25, 2018, 3:02 pm

I am going to have to check this out then see what I think.

Check back and let us know, the thing is I am not sure how todays millenials would find the comedy of that era.

I Coulda Been a Contender.
Quote from Film Fan on November 21, 2018, 11:29 pm

No doubt a comedy classic, the 70's way before me but I have many sets of those great 70's comedies such as WKRP in Cincinnati,  Night Court, and Barney Miller just to name a couple. Those 3 along with Taxi are 4 of the best.

Good call I forgot about Barney Miller that is also a gem, lets not forget Sandford & Son that show is absolutely hilarious as is Archie Bunker in All in the Family the list is endless. The 70's was truly a time for comedic TV genius.

@Film Fan, @Jeff Brown yes Barney Miller is another comedy gem from the 1970's so funny this is another show with a unique group of characters all quirky but very likable.

One of the best TV comedies for sure and deserved to be mentioned in the same breath as Taxi, Night Court and WKRP etc.

Of the stellar and hilarious cast only Hal Linden (Barney Miller) and Max Gail (Wojo) are still with us at this writing, Ron Glass (Harris), Steve Landesberg (Dietrich), Ron Carey (Levit) and Jack Soo as Yemana have all passed, Soo while the show was still in production.

RIP and thanks for the laughs they live on.

Jeff Brown, Film Fan and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Jeff BrownFilm FanDonnie DarkoNavy Boy
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