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Surface - Carter Jenkins

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A must-see for Carter Jenkins fans and not just to see his cuteness it is a really good show and too bad it was canceled so quickly.

Francisco has reacted to this post.

Like I said earlier I wanted to see this and I did get to see it and was I even hooked I think I watched the whole thing in 2 days. I was super pissed at how short the series was and how it ended but I also agree with many the first half of the series is way better.

Numbers has reacted to this post.
Quote from Francisco on May 23, 2022, 12:01 pm

Like I said earlier I wanted to see this and I did get to see it and was I even hooked I think I watched the whole thing in 2 days. I was super pissed at how short the series was and how it ended but I also agree with many the first half of the series is way better.

Right away the show grabs you and you have to binge it, as the season got deeper it lost its way but I was still super interested.

I have seen this and love it because I love Carter, but not as much as Leo of course.

Quote from Leosgirl on February 20, 2023, 12:39 pm

I have seen this and love it because I love Carter, but not as much as Leo of course.

Just binged it again in 3 days with some friends who had not seen it before, they loved it but like all of us that have seen it they were so mad about how it ended with no resolution at all.

I like Carter Jenkins but I have never seen this short series, not for a lack of trying I can't even find it on DVD here.

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