A retro look back at the former child and teen stars that were previously featured on the pages of Teen Stars Online.


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Sliders (1995)

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Quote from Walton on July 15, 2019, 2:13 pm

I would like to see this if I can find it on Netflix or Amazon Prime or maybe buy the DVD set.

I don't think it is on either of those streaming services but if you can get it on DVD then get first 3 seasons for sure, just junk after SyFy took over.

Navy Boy has reacted to this post.
Navy Boy
10% For The Big Guy.

Another show I decided to check out after finding out about it here and I love it and I just started season 2, now a lot of the talk here is how bad it got after season three so I will have to wait and see.

Jeff has reacted to this post.
Eat the Rich

After the first season, I thought this is one of the best Sci-Fi series ever and one of the best series period, this held through the next two seasons then they ruined it, bloody shame.

Jeff and Film Noir have reacted to this post.
JeffFilm Noir
Quote from monk on February 8, 2020, 8:20 pm

After the first season, I thought this is one of the best Sci-Fi series ever and one of the best series period, this held through the next two seasons then they ruined it, bloody shame.

Very true I was sky high over the series after the first few episodes and the first season was first-rate.

Jeff has reacted to this post.
Quote from monk on February 8, 2020, 8:20 pm

After the first season, I thought this is one of the best Sci-Fi series ever and one of the best series period, this held through the next two seasons then they ruined it, bloody shame.

Season one was brilliant and the show was quite good right up to when SyFy took it over and made it a bloody disaster.

Saturday Night at the Movies.

Good series till it slid over to SyFy, brilliant in the first season.

I am currently rewatching this series and I am in season one and I forgot how good the first season was, a shame what happened to this series after season 3.

Jeff Brown has reacted to this post.
Jeff Brown
10% For The Big Guy.
Quote from monk on February 8, 2020, 8:20 pm

After the first season, I thought this is one of the best Sci-Fi series ever and one of the best series period, this held through the next two seasons then they ruined it, bloody shame.

It was and then it was destroyed literally.

Jeff Brown has reacted to this post.
Jeff Brown

Just watching this series again in season one I forgot how good it was before it went downhill.

Wincott has reacted to this post.
Quote from Jeff Brown on October 7, 2021, 8:42 pm

Just watching this series again in season one I forgot how good it was before it went downhill.

How many shows can we name that had these great first seasons or two and then they decided to mess with it and ruin it?

10% For The Big Guy.
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