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Sliders (1995)

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Sliders was a series from Fox that premiered in 1995, this was a series that I was so sky high on I could barely wait for the next episode to air, this show was one of the best in my opinion for 3 of its 5 seasons until Fox dropped the ball but more on that later.

Sliders plot followed this young genius Quinn Mallory who when working on an anti-gravity machine in his basement and by accident opens a portal to a parallel universe. To try it out he invites his co-worker Wade and his teacher Professor Arturo along but he uses too much power and they are sucked into the vortex along with a man Rembrandt who was driving by the house.  The four then ends up traveling among parallel worlds, where they move back and forth trying desperately to find their way back home.

The show was awesome in its original premise which was after they got stuck they spend each episode trying to get back to their own. This later changed and had this other plot where they try to rescue the multiverse from the Kromagg Dynasty.

Well after three decent seasons Fox dropped the show and it was picked up by SYFY after a year off the air and this was the end of this great show despite struggling along for 2 more years with Syfy's cheap budget that made the visuals total crap and the overall production cheap I mean we all know about Syfy's productions.

I would recommend those who have not heard of it or have bit never watched it find it and check out if not just the three Fox years.


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Jeff, Mike and 8 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffMikeJasonWincottFilm FanNavy BoyJasonMFilm NoirmonkTee Vee

I will try to check it out, this series must have just passed me by I have no memory of it but the name sounds familiar.  I have never heard of it or watched it at first airing but will search it up and check out the first few episodes.

Navy Boy has reacted to this post.
Navy Boy
I Coulda Been a Contender.

This was a fun and excellent show the first three seasons until Syfy got their paws on it, I was not a viewer when it was aired originally but I binged on it a few years ago.

SMH why Fox even dropped the show.

Jeff, Jason and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffJasonFilm FanNavy Boy
10% For The Big Guy.

@Baumgartner, every word you said is true this was an amazing series for three years and then Fox dropped it, sat idle for a year and then Syfy decide to give it a go but the production values the FX all took a huge hit.

I also did not like when they focus so much on the Kromaggs, I preferred when in trying to get back home they ended up in different situations in the different worlds.

Jeff, Jason and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffJasonNavy BoyJasonM
Quote from Jason on May 21, 2019, 2:38 pm

I will try to check it out, this series must have just passed me by I have no memory of it but the name sounds familiar.  I have never heard of it or watched it at first airing but will search it up and check out the first few episodes.

Give it a watch, I am confident you will love the first three seasons.

Jeff, Jason and Navy Boy have reacted to this post.
JeffJasonNavy Boy

I would like to check it out, this is the first I have even heard of the show.

Navy Boy has reacted to this post.
Navy Boy

@Baumgartner, I can't add anything more than what you just laid out, very good series for first 3 seasons as agree before Fox dropped it and it sat idle for a year and then Syfy proceeded to revive it and rubbish it.

Jason, Film Fan and Navy Boy have reacted to this post.
JasonFilm FanNavy Boy
Saturday Night at the Movies.

A good series for sure in its first three seasons, ruined after dropped by Fox and picked up by Syfy as most have mentioned.

Navy Boy has reacted to this post.
Navy Boy
Quote from Film Noir on May 30, 2019, 4:49 pm

A good series for sure in its first three seasons, ruined after dropped by Fox and picked up by Syfy as most have mentioned.

Hi and welcome here, you know this series kind of reminds me of a classic 60s series Time Tunnel where we had the two guys lost and hurtling through time each episode landing in some great historical past. Course the difference is Sliders were going into parallel universes and these guys were simply going through Earth's past.

Navy Boy has reacted to this post.
Navy Boy
10% For The Big Guy.
Quote from Film Noir on May 30, 2019, 4:49 pm

A good series for sure in its first three seasons, ruined after dropped by Fox and picked up by Syfy as most have mentioned.

I would like to see this if I can find it on Netflix or Amazon Prime or maybe buy the DVD set.

Navy Boy has reacted to this post.
Navy Boy
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