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Sea Hunt (1958-61)

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Just finished watching a few episodes of another childhood favorite, Lloyd Bridges as Mike Nelson a S.C.U.B.A. diver who works alone, I loved each episode to be taken along on another great under the seas adventure by Mike in the awesome series "Sea Hunt."

Another top quality show that many will not know of because it is hardly seen and the youth these days as one poster here claims will not watch a show simply because it is in black and white.

Under the ocean was such an alien world even more so than today and this show really sparked the imagination of kids and adults alike back in the late 50s and sixties.

I caught the show in reruns I was not born in 1958 when this premiered but through the 60s and 70s, the show was often seen in syndication. The show was quite the craze even in reruns when I was watching but from what I have read it was quite a craze in the first run but is almost forgotten today and that is a shame.

The show made me a fan of the underseas adventure and it had some copy shows like "Aquaman" and I could not get enough of a later underwater adventure the Submarine Seaview and the awesome Irwin Allen produced "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. I later said Star Trek was VOyage in space because The SeaView Submarine was on a quest exploring the oceans, of course, The Enterprise was exploring space.

I got off track there so back to Sea Hunt, each episode is a thrill and one of my favorites episodes was Prima Donna in this a starlet is trapped undersea in a ship when a special effect went wrong and Mike tries to rescue her.

If you can find this watch and enjoy it, for years it sat on the shelf with no DVD then the complete series was on Amazon but it is now not available but you can get season one remastered by Lloyd Bridges.




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Jeff, Jason and 7 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffJasonWincottEldonFilm FanBaumgartnerTom BradeyWaverlyTee Vee

This is my dad's show and growing up he talked about it constantly and we were able to catch some reruns here and there and he eventually he bought the entire series off Amazon a few years back.

I have to tell you watching that DVD set I also got a great love for this excellent old series.

Jeff, Wincott and Eldon have reacted to this post.
I Coulda Been a Contender.

Sea Hunt is a classic so lots of people should know about it, I got introduced to this from my grandfather and I have seen the whole series from his DVD set.

Trust me this series might be old but it is really good, check it out.

Jeff and Wincott have reacted to this post.

Oh, one of the gems of classic TV and you would be surprised this show has many fans to this day, I am sure there are loads that have never heard of it but it lives through families who passed on its love to the young ones.

The complete series has been out of stock at Amazon for a long time but there is a season one set that has been remastered by the star Llyod Bridges and it sells for almost 90 bucks as mentioned by another poster.

Just great old TV, shows like this The Fugitive, The Naked City, TV doesn't get any better not today's reality crap like The Kardashians and the endless versions of Law & Order and CSI spinning the same crap each week.

Jeff, Jason and Waverly have reacted to this post.
10% For The Big Guy.
Quote from Eldon on February 21, 2020, 8:26 pm

Sea Hunt is a classic so lots of people should know about it, I got introduced to this from my grandfather and I have seen the whole series from his DVD set.

Trust me this series might be old but it is really good, check it out.

Glad you liked it Eldon because many in your age group would not even sit down to watch it but it does help if your parent or other family tell you about it and say let's watch this.

Jeff and Waverly have reacted to this post.
I Coulda Been a Contender.

I am a big fan of classic TV and I seek them out where I can buying DVD sets watching old TV like TV Land Antenna TV and the like and Sea Hunt is one of the very best.

Very few TV shows after the 70s can match TV of the 50s to 70s.

Jeff has reacted to this post.
Qu'ils mangent de la brioche

One of my favorite classic TV shows, being able to enjoy it on DVD where I could binge is a bonus I loved the show so much that in regular broadcast I would be looking forward to the week to zip by.

Like so much classic TV just good scripts acting and just great overall quality, one hell of a show.

Jason and Waverly have reacted to this post.
Saturday Night at the Movies.
Quote from Jeff on February 27, 2020, 11:57 pm

One of my favorite classic TV shows, being able to enjoy it on DVD where I could binge is a bonus I loved the show so much that in regular broadcast I would be looking forward to the week to zip by.

Like so much classic TV just good scripts acting and just great overall quality, one hell of a show.

Spot on, it is very hard to find lately as in the complete series I am happy to own it there is season one on Amazon for a steep fee that was remastered by the star.

Waverly has reacted to this post.
I Coulda Been a Contender.

I forgot how brilliant this show was, I have been tearing through some episodes lately and the age shows the quality of what I am watching some episodes is very aged.

Tom Bradey has reacted to this post.
Tom Bradey
Saturday Night at the Movies.

Aired a lifetime before I was born from this topic I have found this and has been watching and it is a very cool old show, the quality of the prints is bad though could be one I am watching.

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