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Route 66

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Quote from Donnie Darko on July 26, 2020, 9:54 pm

The old people here have changed this from former teen stars from teen stars online history to just very old, old show and movie topic discussions.

Behave yourself, man, if you don't like it don't read and start your own topics, participate and not hate.

Jeff has reacted to this post.

Thanks, guys I have heard this show mentioned before but I have never seen a single episode, based on what I read here I am going to start watching since you all mentioned it is on Amazon Prime,

Jeff has reacted to this post.

Just finished a gem of an episode but then again are they all not gems on this series? the episode I watched tonight is A Bridge Across Five Days and this time the subject is mental illness. I love how this show tackled so many tough subjects for that era and handled them so tastefully. The show was not all action just some great episodes, great drama, storytelling, and acting.

Jason, Film Fan and Baumgartner have reacted to this post.
JasonFilm FanBaumgartner
Saturday Night at the Movies.
Quote from Jeff on August 10, 2020, 11:19 pm

Just finished a gem of an episode but then again are they all not gems on this series? the episode I watched tonight is A Bridge Across Five Days and this time the subject is mental illness. I love how this show tackled so many tough subjects for that era and handled them so tastefully. The show was not all action just some great episodes, great drama, storytelling, and acting.

We are not too far apart in viewing I watched that about 5 days ago, the guest star is the awesome Nina Foch. Who pays the lady out in society after 18 years in a mental institution.

Jason has reacted to this post.
Quote from Jeff on August 10, 2020, 11:19 pm

Just finished a gem of an episode but then again are they all not gems on this series? the episode I watched tonight is A Bridge Across Five Days and this time the subject is mental illness. I love how this show tackled so many tough subjects for that era and handled them so tastefully. The show was not all action just some great episodes, great drama, storytelling, and acting.

Another good episode but like most said does this series have any bad ones?

Jeff, Jason and Film Noir have reacted to this post.
JeffJasonFilm Noir

I had no idea this was on Amazon Prime I have seen a few episodes of this through the years on some retro TV stations but have not seen all the shows. I am glad to hear this I will start watching in sequence. All I can remember I really did like the dozen or so episodes I had caught.

Jeff and Film Noir have reacted to this post.
JeffFilm Noir
I Coulda Been a Contender.
Quote from Jason on August 17, 2020, 12:13 pm

I had no idea this was on Amazon Prime I have seen a few episodes of this through the years on some retro TV stations but have not seen all the shows. I am glad to hear this I will start watching in sequence. All I can remember I really did like the dozen or so episodes I had caught.

It is an I watch an episode per night when I can, I have seen many episodes of the show but not in sequence and I am sure I have not seen many or can't remember them.

Jeff has reacted to this post.

Tonight I watched Some of the People, Some of the Time which first aired Dec 1, 1961 wit the guest star Keena Wynn and the boys are in driving through Pennsylvania where this story takes place.

I love these old shows not just because they are so darn well written, acted, and produced but also for the guest stars. Keena Wynn always seemed to be a guest on some TV show through the 70s and 80s.

Jeff has reacted to this post.
Quote from Jason on August 17, 2020, 12:13 pm

I had no idea this was on Amazon Prime I have seen a few episodes of this through the years on some retro TV stations but have not seen all the shows. I am glad to hear this I will start watching in sequence. All I can remember I really did like the dozen or so episodes I had caught.

Get watching man this is great classic TV not like the nonsense populating the TV screen so today all that reality crap and the like.

Baumgartner has reacted to this post.
Saturday Night at the Movies.

I had taken a break as with most shows I started another series and started binging that and did not get to Route 66 now for a few weeks. I resumed watching last night at Season 2 Episode 11 that first aired in December 1961.

This episode The Thin White Line has Martin Milner in a tour de force performance, the boys are in Philly doing some high floor construction work and at a party two doofuses trying to get back at a loutish bore spike the beer with an experimental drug. Tod out having a great times takes the pint and downs it which starts him on a roller coaster ride of emotions all perfectly played by Milner

He runs out of the party and the Doctor behind the testing of the drug explains the range of emotions he will experience from mad joy, being a danger to others, and to himself.

If you must see one "Route 66" episode then let it be this one, with such a quality series it is so hard to pick one episode in this way but this episode is that good.

Trapped inthe70s, monk and Richard Jackson have reacted to this post.
Trapped inthe70smonkRichard Jackson
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