A retro look back at the former child and teen stars that were previously featured on the pages of Teen Stars Online.


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Route 66

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The old people here have changed this from former teen stars from teen stars online history to just very old, old show and movie topic discussions.

Wincott, Jeff Brown and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
WincottJeff BrownOGBaumgartnerTrapped inthe70sJallisa M
You want this, don't you: Emperor Palpatine
Quote from Donnie Darko on July 26, 2020, 9:54 pm

The old people here have changed this from former teen stars from teen stars online history to just very old, old show and movie topic discussions.

Here is a bright idea, if you do not like these topics then do not read them and if you care so much about the content you want to see then how about creating it and stop complaining?

Wincott, Jeff Brown and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
WincottJeff BrownOGTrapped inthe70s

One of the best TV shows ever and a huge hit in the 60s it was a must-see then from all I have read on this classic. I am also currently enjoying it on Amazon Prime Video.

OG has reacted to this post.
10% For The Big Guy.

I am enjoying this treat of a series once more on Amazon Prime Video and I try to watch one episode per night and tonight's was another highly entertaining and enjoyable episode. It was episode 5 from season 2 that originally aired October 20, 1961, and the guest star a young Robert Redford, the episode title is "First-Class Mouliak" and this is another first-class episode.

Todd and Buzz and back in Cleveland working in a foundry as labourers and we are treated to the life of Polish Americans. A very touching and entertaining story but as I said this series had very few if any duds for episodes.

Mike, Jason and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
MikeJasonJeff BrownOGFilm FanTrapped inthe70smonk
Quote from Donnie Darko on July 26, 2020, 9:54 pm

The old people here have changed this from former teen stars from teen stars online history to just very old, old show and movie topic discussions.

How rude, I like reading about these old movies and show and like reading the comments, you also will be old one day if you live so long.

OG and Trapped inthe70s have reacted to this post.
OGTrapped inthe70s

My grandad loves this series he is always on about it, I watched a single episode with him once and I love the car and the episode was very interesting it kept me watching since I did not bail that says a lot.

Film Fan and Trapped inthe70s have reacted to this post.
Film FanTrapped inthe70s

I am continuing to watch an episode of this series each night on Amazon Prime Video, much like "The Fugitive" there is not a bad episode in this series it seems.

Mike, Jason and Trapped inthe70s have reacted to this post.
MikeJasonTrapped inthe70s
Quote from monk on July 21, 2020, 11:12 pm

Route 66 is a television classic, along with shows like "The Fugitive"  "77 Sunset Strip," "The Naked City" and "Sea Hunt" just to name a few. I can't get enough of shows like these they are the absolute pinnacle of TV entertainment compared to the junk on the boob tube these days.

All excellent shows I am currently watching both "Route 66" and "The Naked City" on Prime and just created a forum topic on Naked City so check it out in this forum.

Mike, Jason and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
MikeJasonJeff BrownTrapped inthe70s
Saturday Night at the Movies.
Quote from Jallisa M on July 30, 2020, 8:36 pm
Quote from Donnie Darko on July 26, 2020, 9:54 pm

The old people here have changed this from former teen stars from teen stars online history to just very old, old show and movie topic discussions.

How rude, I like reading about these old movies and show and like reading the comments, you also will be old one day if you live so long.

I am not a nice guy Jallisa, I never have done a single nice thing in my life...a little variation of what Sawyer said to Charlie on "Lost."

Jeff and Trapped inthe70s have reacted to this post.
JeffTrapped inthe70s
You want this, don't you: Emperor Palpatine

They don't get much better indeed but this is from an era that produced some excellent TV series and this is one in the top 10 for sure. It is funny how many mentioned they are currently watching it on Prime Video because I am also.

Trapped inthe70s has reacted to this post.
Trapped inthe70s
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