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Route 66

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The gems of a series "Route 66" premiered in 1960 the year that this grandpa was born and I am sure Donie Darko will at some point here tell me I am old and nobody cares about these old shows.

There is not a shed of doubt that some of the best shows in the history of television aired in the 1950s and 60s and even the 70s had some gems.

The premise of Route 66 was simple it was the adventures of two young guys who travelled all over America in their Corvette. The show was the only show filmed in so many diff locations in the USA as they filmed exactly where the settings were, the boys encountered all kinds of people and situations as they searched for a place to settle and also to find themselves.

The show starred Martin Milner as Todd Stiles that I first came to know in the series "Adam 12" and George Maharis as hot-headed and quick fisted Buzz Murdock.

The show ran for four seasons and as it debuted the year I was born I was too young to watch or enjoy the shot in its initial run but the late 60s in reruns at just about 9 I started watching this show with my family and did I love the car and the adventures.

The list of guest stars is a whos who of who later became big stars and it is a treat to see them in these early stages of their careers. Every episode of this great show was a treat but one of the vet best was from season 2 and episode 3 titled "Goodnight Sweet Blues" with the guest star Ethel Waters who became the first  African American woman to be so nominated, this episode is a treat I am telling you.

These great shows are too ignored by the audience of today, do yourself a favor and check this show out if you are not familiar with it. Along with other quality shows such as "The Fugitive"  "77 Sunset Strip" and The Naked City" these shows and more are time capsules of the history of American television.


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Jeff, Mike and 13 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffMikeJasonWincottJeff BrownOGFilm FanBaumgartnerLuvthe70s N80sTrapped inthe70sWaverlymonkRichard JacksonJallisa MTee Vee

Well said, classic TV does not get any better besides maybe the brilliant "The Fugitive" I am way too young to know of this show in the original run but I have become a fan of it and still going through the entire series on Prime Video, even if you just get the free month it is worth it to enjoy this show.

Jeff, Wincott and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffWincottJeff BrownOGLuvthe70s N80s

Great show I am completely hooked on the adventures of Buzz and Todd and that car what a beaut. I am also watching it on Amazon Prime Video.

Wincott, Jeff Brown and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
WincottJeff BrownLuvthe70s N80sRichard Jackson
Saturday Night at the Movies.

Route 66 is a television classic, along with shows like "The Fugitive"  "77 Sunset Strip," "The Naked City" and "Sea Hunt" just to name a few. I can't get enough of shows like these they are the absolute pinnacle of TV entertainment compared to the junk on the boob tube these days.

Wincott, OG and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
WincottOGFilm FanLuvthe70s N80sRichard Jackson

Oh, what a show, my favorite as a girl and was I ever in love with those boys, my brother loved the car but I loved Todd and Buzz.

Goodnight Sweet Blues is one of my favorite episodes and I watched it just a few nights ago on Amazon Prime Video, I am again going through the series. 😛

Wincott, Jeff Brown and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
WincottJeff BrownOGFilm FanTrapped inthe70s
Quote from monk on July 21, 2020, 11:12 pm

Route 66 is a television classic, along with shows like "The Fugitive"  "77 Sunset Strip," "The Naked City" and "Sea Hunt" just to name a few. I can't get enough of shows like these they are the absolute pinnacle of TV entertainment compared to the junk on the boob tube these days.

Every show you mentioned dI love and they are classics, I love "The Fugitive" this has to be out of all those awesome shows my fav and I must start a topic on it. Great writing and good acting from the cast of each episode.

Wincott, Jeff Brown and Richard Jackson have reacted to this post.
WincottJeff BrownRichard Jackson

One of the best of the 60s and the only classic show I like more is the superb "The Fugitive."

Jeff and Wincott have reacted to this post.
Quote from Luvthe70s N80s on July 22, 2020, 5:18 pm

Oh, what a show, my favorite as a girl and was I ever in love with those boys, my brother loved the car but I loved Todd and Buzz.

Goodnight Sweet Blues is one of my favorite episodes and I watched it just a few nights ago on Amazon Prime Video, I am again going through the series. ?

Oh you got that right the females of all ages from teens up just loves Buzz and Todd, what a fun and exciting show with every episode superbly acted and written, this was just great TV.

Jeff, Jason and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffJasonWincottOGLuvthe70s N80s
Youth is wasted on the young.

A fantastic classic show, they do not make them this good in a long, long time we now have crap like The Kardashians as reality TV is a craze.

This gem followed the adventure of drifters Todd and Buzz as they cruised Route 66 in their awesome Corvette finding adventure and tackling all kinds of subjects some well ahead of its time.

Tackled runaway kids, drug addiction in an awesome episode starring a young Robert Duvall, I think that episode titled Birdcage on the feet or something like that too lazy to check.

What was so remarkable is not just the wide social subject matters touched on but the great acting and writing and best of all the show was filmed on the road so where the boys were that week the filming was done at that location.

It is on Amazon Prime so if you have that check it out and like someone mentioned I see on this site there is a link for a free week, get it and watch.

Here is the link for a free Month of Prime Video, just do it cost nothing and helps this site here that I love.

Prime Video Free Month


Jeff, Mike and 7 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffMikeJasonWincottJeff BrownOGFilm FanLuvthe70s N80smonk
Quote from Richard Jackson on July 24, 2020, 10:58 am

One of the best of the 60s and the only classic show I like more is the superb "The Fugitive."

If I was put on the spot to pick my favorite classic TV show it would be "The Fugitive" it doesn't get any better than that show.

Mike, Jason and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
MikeJasonWincottJeff BrownOGFilm FanLuvthe70s N80s
Saturday Night at the Movies.
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