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On The Subject of Quiet On Set

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I'm sure a lot of you have watched Quiet On Set. Just yesterday, Bill Maher had something to say about this issue. He also spoke about sexualizing directing to children in almost every facet of daily life in his New Rule. Feel free to click on the link at the bottom.

As for my opinion, what can I say? Child stars being treated like dirt and even abused both physically and sexually is nothing new. It started in Hollywood's first breakthrough in the 1920's and still continues. Every now and then, dirty secrets about being a child actor in Hollywood get exposed. A firestorm sets out and you'd figure there would be reforms to prevent this from happening again. Only for the next scandal to come out. Laws are passed to fix things up only to have a new crop of problems to arise.


Jeff, Zoomer Girl and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffZoomer GirlFilm NoirLukasRiley 99Tee VeeCWBBSSusanR

@nebraskatrevor85, Shocking, I new it existed but shocked at some of the revelations in Quiet, makes you wonder what some of our favorites might have endured.

Zoomer Girl, Lukas and Tee Vee have reacted to this post.
Zoomer GirlLukasTee Vee
Saturday Night at the Movies.

Scandalous and criminal.

Lukas, Tee Vee and SusanR have reacted to this post.
LukasTee VeeSusanR

Sad and troubling, makes me wish I did not enjoy those young stars performance and even more I wish I did not envy them and wish I was in their shoes.

Tee Vee has reacted to this post.
Tee Vee

Disgusting if you ask me, I do hate Bill Maher, I cant say I like any of these late night talk show ppl they are so unfunny I cant believe people actually think they are funny, I mean scum bags like Jimmy Fallon etc.

Tee Vee has reacted to this post.
Tee Vee

A very sad and sordid affair.

Film Noir has reacted to this post.
Film Noir

This whole revelation is just so disgusting, oh what is the price of fame?

Nasty, I hope that did not happen on the set of Jessie where Cameron Boyce was an actor,

Aaron Carter Girl and Tee Vee have reacted to this post.
Aaron Carter GirlTee Vee

It can't be filth in decadent Liberal showbiz?

Lukas and Aaron Carter Girl have reacted to this post.
LukasAaron Carter Girl
You want this, don't you: Emperor Palpatine
Quote from Jazzy on May 21, 2024, 10:45 pm

Nasty, I hope that did not happen on the set of Jessie where Cameron Boyce was an actor,

Disney is worst ask Bella Thorne and many others, filth at its best the exploitation of kids for profit, and the shows are not even good.

Lukas and Aaron Carter Girl have reacted to this post.
LukasAaron Carter Girl
You want this, don't you: Emperor Palpatine
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