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Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

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This topic reminds me what a good movie this was, I have not seen it in years, Williams was at his comedic best. The entire cast including young Mara was very good in this fun flick.

OG and Tom Bradey have reacted to this post.
OGTom Bradey
Saturday Night at the Movies.

I recently enjoyed this comedy classic again after many years and it still holds up well, Robin Williams was on top of his game and the kids along with Mara were superb.

OG and Tom Bradey have reacted to this post.
OGTom Bradey

We just watched this on movie night it is so funny, Robin Williams sure was a funny guy.

OG has reacted to this post.

The cover in the pic mentions The Blockbuster of 1994, don't seem like the kind of movie that is a blockbuster, a blockbuster is like Jurassic Park a loud SFX action-filled movie.

I might watch it to see what all the fuss is on about.

We just watched this again a few nights ago and I am still laughing, Williams is at his best in this movie.

Quote from Jeff on February 16, 2021, 11:46 pm

This topic reminds me what a good movie this was, I have not seen it in years, Williams was at his comedic best. The entire cast including young Mara was very good in this fun flick.

Still making me laugh in 2023 I recently watched it along with What about Bob?

With so much crap being produced today, it is always great to reach back and watch again some of the oldies and again I loved this and laughed my head off after watching it again, pure genius Robin Williams. RIP.

Film Noir has reacted to this post.
Film Noir
Quote from Mike on December 18, 2023, 11:11 pm

With so much crap being produced today, it is always great to reach back and watch again some of the oldies and again I loved this and laughed my head off after watching it again, pure genius Robin Williams. RIP.

I agree the golden age of cinema has passed us, today it is all CGI and other effects.

Quote from OG on May 18, 2022, 3:04 pm

The cover in the pic mentions The Blockbuster of 1994, don't seem like the kind of movie that is a blockbuster, a blockbuster is like Jurassic Park a loud SFX action-filled movie.

I might watch it to see what all the fuss is on about.

OG, a blockbuster is not just a loud special effects-laden spectacle it is a movie that made loads of money at the box office, so I am glad I could clear that up for you.

Saturday Night at the Movies.
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