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Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

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In another movie that Mara Wilson appeared in Robin Willimas is hilarious as an actor who after a bitter divorce, disguises himself as a female housekeeper to spend time with his children held in custody by his former wife.

There are plenty of gags with some hilarious one-liners from Williams and overall good performance from the adult leads and the kids.

Mrs. Doubtfire is more than just hilarity it is also a touching film as Williams alternatingly makes us laugh and then brings us to tears or almost tears. Willimas show not only his comedic genius but also his Prowse as a serious actor

As mentioned Mara Wilson and the other kids are fantastic in this outstanding film that is perfect for the entire family.

I rate this the best film by the late Robin Williams with a nod to some great moments great on screen with Harvey Fierstein who plays his brother and hair stylist. If you have not seen this film what are you waiting for?



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Jeff, Mike and 12 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffMikeWincottJeff BrownOGRonnny GEldonBaumgartnerTom BradeyKandy GurlGlamour GirlFranciscoFilm NoirWaverly
I Coulda Been a Contender.

The best movie ever, so funny I laugh so hard each time I watch it and I agree also some sad moments.

Jason and Francisco have reacted to this post.

Awesome movie, Robin Williams is hilarious, for sure one of his best roles.

Jason and Kandy Gurl have reacted to this post.
JasonKandy Gurl

Williams best work to be enjoyed by generations to come.


Ronnny G has reacted to this post.
Ronnny G

Mrs. Doutfire is 25 years old where does the time go, one of my fav movies and might be the best from Robin Williams.

Eldon and Kandy Gurl have reacted to this post.
EldonKandy Gurl
Quote from Mike on April 3, 2019, 10:11 pm

Mrs. Doutfire is 25 years old where does the time go, one of my fav movies and might be the best from Robin Williams.

Out before I was born, but we still have it in our movie collection.

Hilarity ensues when Robin Williams throws on a skirt and an old sweater and grabs a broom, a classic.

Eldon has reacted to this post.
10% For The Big Guy.

Awesome movie, definite one of my favs after I first saw it.

Kandy Gurl has reacted to this post.
Kandy Gurl

One of the best American comedies ever, Robin Williams is a comical genius in this film and beyond the comedy, Wiliams gives and excellent acting performances wavering between hi8larity and botter sentiment.

Williams as a man who loves his kids and would do anything to be with them decides to dress like a dowdy older woman and work as their housekeeper.

Well, beyond the laughs as mentioned this is a very moving and well-acted film and is not just one of the best comedies ever but one of the best films also.

Jeff, Ronnny G and Kandy Gurl have reacted to this post.
JeffRonnny GKandy Gurl
Quote from Wincott on April 5, 2019, 11:24 pm

Hilarity ensues when Robin Williams throws on a skirt and an old sweater and grabs a broom, a classic.

Did you ever see a movie name Mr.Mom? we have that in our endless DVD collection my dad buys every 5 dollars movies in the bin at Walmart it seems. lol

Kandy Gurl has reacted to this post.
Kandy Gurl
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