A retro look back at the former child and teen stars that were previously featured on the pages of Teen Stars Online.


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...and Your Name Is Jonah (1979)

A cute little boy is misdiagnosed as intellectually disabled and is packed off to an institution as they so loved to do in days gone by where many faced abuse and inhumane treatment but I digress.

Well, it all turned out that the child was deaf all along, the film takes a nice look at deafness and is a touching film, I remember seeing it on TV in 1979 and much was made of it as it premiered.

The film is sure to touch all but the hardest of hearts, I have not seen it since that night in 1979 and there has never been an official DVD release which is a shame considering the junk that gets released.

The young boy Jeffrey Bravin who played Jonah is deaf in real life and communicates with the cast via sign language and lip reading, the movie also stars Sally Struthers and James Wood.

Bravin besides this movie was in 3-2-1 Contact a TV series I have never heard of and a short film named "Deaf Reach: Hope for Pakistan"  he was Born on Feb 26, 1969, and deserves a mentioned here as a former child actor.

If you can find it then it deserves a watch but I might as well be talking to the walls recommending this to Gen Z. The child actor who played Anthony was Jeremy Licht who went on to many other roles.


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Jeff, Britty Baby and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
JeffBritty BabyFilm NoirClaire

It sounds like something I would love to see if I can find it, thanks for posting about it.

Britty Baby has reacted to this post.
Britty Baby

@luvthe70s, thanks. It does sound like something I would love to see if it is available. I would like to see it, especially since you mentioned that the young boy who played the role is deaf in real life.

Interesting I am going to look into this further.

Film Noir has reacted to this post.
Film Noir
Saturday Night at the Movies.

I remember this TV movie. I did like it, but I remember just bits and pieces. The young lad was quite good, with no experience, and also deaf in real life.

Jeff has reacted to this post.
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